Industrial and commercial agent

Shenzhen company registration

1、Name of the audit company (send to the consultant of our company, we will check the name for you first, and check whether it is available)

2、Determine the business scope of the company (when the company is registered, I do not know how to formulate the business scope, yaofeiyang provides a comprehensive corresponding business scope for your reference)

3、Determining the registered address (the registered address in Shenzhen is indispensable, except for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone and the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone, the Shenzhen district needs to provide a 25-digit house code)

4、After the registration of the company, you will receive a new "five certificates in one" business license (including 1. A copy of the business license 2. Articles of association 3.

It takes only 3-5 working days to register a company in Yaofeiyang. Compared with the traditional agency, you can save at least a week!

Qianhai Company Registration

1.Audit company name

2.Signing the settlement agreement (3-5 working days, calling the address of Qianhai Uniform Business Secretary to sign an agreement with Qianhai)

3.Submit registration information (5-7 working days, submit relevant registration information online signature approval)

4.Get the license seal (2 working days, get a copy of the business license, complete the seal, including the official seal financial seal legal person seal and other matters)

Easy four-step quick access, no legal person shareholders to the scene, the whole process of worry-free agency, easy to handle without leaving home!

Hong Kong company registration

1.Chinese and English company name (English name can be different from Chinese)

2.Copy of ID card of all directors and shareholders

3.Registered capital (default: hk $10,000)

4.Funded ratio

5.Signature file of all shareholders

6.Registered address

PS:Our company promises that the copy of the customer's id card and the signature template will only be used for the registration of the Hong Kong company on behalf, and will not be used for other purposes. If our company USES them outside of business during the use period, causing losses and adverse consequences, our company will assume all responsibilities.

How many preferential policies are available for the registration of Qianhai Company?

On April 21, 2015, the Guangdong Free Trade Zone was officially listed. At present, more than 28,000 companies including Tencent and Alibaba have registered in Qianhai Company. Qianhai is known as the “Special Zone in the Special Zone”. The cross-border RMB loans in the sea exceeded 80 billion yuan, and more than 40 Fortune 500 companies registered in the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone. At present, there are more than 40 preferential policies for the financial industry. At the same time, the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone will establish a duty-free shop and encourage cross-border Environmental e-commerce company, fund management company, parallel import and export vehicles.

1.Corporate income tax reduction of 10%
If Qianhai Enterprise meets the “Industrial Concession Catalogue”, it only needs to pay 15% of corporate income tax. At present, there is no similar preferential policy in Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
2.Cross-border e-commerce + cross-border loans
Enterprises in the Qianhai area can obtain ultra-low interest rates (average 4%-5%) of overseas financing loans from overseas financial institutions. As of December 2014, the filing amount exceeded 80 billion.
3.First try, first special zone
The government's latest policy is the first to try first, to build China's most front-end financial, technology, and logistics service areas, to be in line with international standards, to solve corporate financing difficulties, and high financing costs.
4.Special funds to support subsidies
The subsidy method includes the use of loan interest subsidy method and financial aid method. Eligible enterprises in the former sea area have the opportunity to obtain special fund support, up to 50 million.

Benefits and advantages of registering a Hong Kong company:

Hong Kong is an international metropolis with extremely developed information. It is the world's most free trade and trade port. At present, more and more mainland businessmen are setting up their own companies in Hong Kong with different purposes and expanding their business through different channels. To enhance the company's image, enhance the confidence of overseas customers, establish the company's international image and improve its competitiveness.

1) The company name is freely restricted from the scope of business
As long as you want to get the company name can be written, regardless of the size of our registered capital, the Hong Kong company can be arbitrarily written, Hong Kong Limited can operate any business in Hong Kong, except for illegal business, allowing the company to have no business;
2) Low tax registered capital and no need for capital verification
No matter how much the registered capital is in Hong Kong, there is no need to transfer the capital to Hong Kong Banks.Enterprises are not profitable and do not pay taxes;
3) Expand the window of the international market and the springboard to enter the Chinese mainland market
The special historical conditions and geographical location of Hong Kong have created favorable conditions for the development of mainland enterprises and easy access to the trust and cooperation of foreign cooperative enterprises;
4) International loan financing is convenient and easy to obtain international credit and credit
As we all know, Hong Kong is Asia's economic center and financial center. There are banks in almost every street, and it is easy to obtain international credit and credit;
5) Free flow of people, logistics, and capital
Hong Kong is the freest and most prosperous trading port in the world. Its infrastructure is very good. Now Hong Kong has visa-free access to more than 100 countries.
6) Use Hong Kong's popularity to create a Hong Kong brand and enhance the company's international image
Using Hong Kong's popularity to create a Hong Kong brand and establishing such a company in Hong Kong, we can immediately share the overall international image and status, and to a certain extent, enhance the company's own competitiveness;
7) Strive for the right of abode in Hong Kong
If your company has already contributed to Hong Kong, you can apply to the Hong Kong Immigration Department for multiple business visas. You can obtain permanent residency in Hong Kong after seven years of residence;
8) Freedom to buy stocks
Any property and public stock can be purchased freely under the name of Hong Kong Limited.

Industrial and commercial change

Any change after the company is incorporated can be changed.
Change company name
Information to be provided:

1)New company name

2)Copy of ID card of the person in charge/legal/executive partner and personal u shield

3)All chapters (official seal, financial seal, invoice, contract, custody, etc.)--Re-burning requires original ID of legal person ID

Change registered address
Information to be provided

1)New business address

2)Copy of ID card of the person in charge/legal/executive partner and personal u shield

3)Original copy of business license

Change business scope
Information to be provided:

1)New business scope

2)Copy of ID card of the person in charge/legal/executive partner and personal u shield

Change of legal person
Information to be provided:

1)Online (3-5 working days)---Shareholders are natural persons or local enterprises in Shenzhen: copy of ID card of new and old legal person and personal u shield of new and old legal person and all shareholders

2)Offline (within 3 working days after the scheduled offline time)---Shareholders have mainland enterprises except Shenzhen: the original of the new legal person ID card, a copy of the old legal person ID card, and the original ID card of all shareholders, foreign mainland enterprises Business license and official seal

Change shareholder(Because the company needs to add new shareholders or reduce shareholders or replace shareholders, it is necessary to go to the Trade and Industry Bureau in accordance with the law to change the procedures for the full-programme change of the whole program.)
Information to be provided:

1)New equity ratio

2)Original copy of business license and official seal

3)Original identification documents of all new and old shareholders (natural persons are ID cards, enterprises need a positive copy of the license & official seal)

Change of registered capital
1.Capital increase Online (shareholders are natural persons or Shenzhen local companies)
Information to be provided:

1)Copy of ID card of legal person and all shareholders and electronic u shield

2)Corporate digital certificate

Offline (shareholders have mainland enterprises except Shenzhen)
Information to be provided: 1) Business license and official seal of the company 2) Original person and all ID cards

1)Business license, official seal

2)Legal person and all original ID cards

2.Capital reduction
Information to be provided:

1)To report, you need company name, unified social credit code and contact person, contact information

2)Copy of legal person's id card

3)Copy of business license stamped with official seal, corporate seal

4)Legal person or manager u shield